
15 Juni 2015

News Media and Web Journalism: Interpretive Story

Psychopath: Angeline’s Mom’s Side Character?

Angeline’s death had been a big issue in Indonesia, since the motive of her death had not been figured, yet. She had been found buried in her own step-mom’s house yard, hugging her doll in an awful mess condition. She was found after for about one month reported to be missing by her step-family.
            Police had found that the prime suspect of Angeline’s death was the servant in Angelinse’s step-mom’s house. He was AG, said the police, who murdered Angeline and then buried her in the yard.It had been reported that this man worked for Angeline’s mom for a while ago.
            However, the public were still curious whether AG was the prime suspect of this case or he was just being the shadow of the prime suspect. The curiosity came up because of Angeline’s step-mom’s behaviour was questioned. Public still remembered how her step-mom had rejected the visitation from two of Ministers in order to give condolences towards her. It is suspicious, since a mother would be sad, even needed condolences, if she had to face that her daughter was gone or dead. But, Angeline’s step-mom did not show that she was upset or sad for her daughter’s death.
            Another suspicion came up after there were some blood marks inside Angeline’s step-mom’s room. It could be that AG was only ordered to bury Angeline, but the one who killed it was her step-mom. The condition could be like that, if only there was an evidence that Angeline’s step-mom had a disorder of being psychopath.
            Psychopathy is traditionally defined as a personality disorder characterized by enduring antisocial behavior, diminished empathy and remorse, and disinhibited or bold behavior. It may also be defined as a continuous aspect of personality, representing scores on different personality dimensions found throughout the population in varying combinations. The definition of psychopathy has varied significantly throughout the history of the concept; different definitions continue to be used that are only partly overlapping and sometimes appear contradictory.

            It could be that if Angeline’s mom had this kind of disorder then she could do everything in order to satisfy herself, one of the way is by killing a person. It could be that in order to make herself feels peace, she killed Angeline because she thinks of her as threat to her life. This is called psychopath. Police and psychiatrict still conduct their research towards Angeline’s step mom.

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